Artwork by Children of Tiptoes Lightly and her Friends

Her house hangs from a branch on the Great Oak Tree.

Outside the gnome's house underneath the Old Pine Tree.

Later, Tiptoes and friends danced star patterns in the snow.

Pine Cone and Pepper Pot tip over their boat and fall into Running River.

Camellia Waldorf School
Tiptoes Lightly and friends from children at the Camellia Waldorf School in Sacramento, California. They experienced Tiptoes and her great oak tree first hand. Some of them saw Pine Cone and Pepper Pot for sure ... and Pins and Needles were definitely spotted in the kindergarten.
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Which one?

Hauling Tiptoes' birthday chairs up to her house.
Waldorf School of Atlanta
These drawings came from grade 2 at the Waldorf School of Atlanta. Thank you, dear children!
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Tiptoes says thank you!!!

Drawings from Readers and their Children
Drawing which readers and their children have sent to me over the years. If you have any, I'd love to add them to the gallery!
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Drawings of Pinrut the Turnip Boy
These drawings and letters are from the students of Chris Connell who teaches at Greentree Elementary, in Drumheller, Alberta, Canada. He wrote to me saying his students liked the Pinrut story and, since it was still in progress, I wrote them into the book. Thanks, guys!
Click to see slideshow.

Toronto Waldorf School, Canada
Drawings I received from grade 2 after I performed The Pumpkin, Mr Big for them in puppetry. Thank you, Grade Two!