Arts and Crafts by Tiptoes Lightly Fans
Ancient Hearth Blog
Ancient Hearth is a lovely blog, and artistic Jennifer has crafted some beautiful versions of Tiptoes Lightly and friends. I especially like Jeremy Mouse!
Click through the slideshow and to the rest.

because she had no spots, none at all!

Camellia Waldorf School Needle Felting Project
A group of parents at Camellia Waldorf School in Sacramento, California took up a needle felting project. They decided to create characters and scenes from The Tales of Tiptoes Lightly and what beautiful work they did!
Photos by Tamis Reed - thank you!

and all the characters from the seven stories.

Reader's Art, Craft and Costumes
Photos of arts, crafts and costumes that readers have sent to me over the years. You'll see the work of Melody Park, Karen Meacham, Rhonda Wildman, Mirka Marlow, Sara Wilson, Crystal Reisig, Jules Sloot, Carabeth Reynolds, Erika Graham, Willow Osborn, Rita Zdanevicuite, Elizabeth Erb, Cammy Marble and some I have unfortunately lost track of when I was rebuilding this website. All your work is GREATLY APPRECIATED. Thank you for sharing!
Plus one of the gnomes!
The Lost Lagoon Felting Project
Here is a whole felted scene of the characters from The Lost Lagoon. You'll see the Greenleaf the Sailor, his leaf boat, the gnomes and Tiptoes Lightly - all beautifully done. But who did them? I have the terrible, sinking feeling that I might have been sent these photos, said I'd post them, and never did. There were a couple of years I was in complete work overload. I came across them as I was rebuilding this website ... but there is no date stamp or anything. If you recognize the work PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!! Thank you.
A Nature Table through the Seasons
Apple Shoe is a sweet blog and Mercy Fritz made a nature table through the seasons of the year using Tiptoes Lightly characters. Creating a nature table is a wonderful idea if you have young children as it engages them at a heart level.